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6 Tips for Staying Sane and zoom ready at home!

Staying Sane at Home During Quarantine


We’re washing our hands. We’re social distancing. We’re a bit anxious.


With kids home from school, a perplexing economy, and concern for your family and friends health, it’s become impossible to function as normal, but we’re hopeful.


We thought we’d share some tips with you that we’re practising as we’re working from home and trying to look on the positive side of things during this crazy, crazy time. 


Start a new routine, and stick to it!

Wake up, shower, have a coffee, do your hair and make-up, and get ready as you’d be going into work Yes this means putting on a bra! We have found the perfect bra for working from home is our Very Smooth Wire-Free Bra. You’ll invite a sense of normalcy into your day-to-day. Just because you might be working from home, doesn’t mean you can’t still dress up. Trust us, you’ll get into ‘work-mode’ 

Additionally, setting the mood for work by decorating your workstation at home can motivate you to perform during tough times like these.

If you aren't at work at the moment, setting a routine is still important. Perhaps instead of sitting down to answer emails you could set a goal to learn something new and set a designated time each day to focus on this. 


Digital Connections

While everyone’s got all this extra time on their hands, this is the perfect time to reconnect with your friends across Australia and around the globe. Arrange a FaceTime date and plan that waaay overdue catch-up you’ve been meaning to for ages. Apps like Netflix Party and HouseParty allow group video chat, where you can even play interactive games with each other like charades or Scrabble. The perfect way to practise social distancing and still keep in touch with friends.


Get back into those neglected hobbies!

Now’s the time to jump back into cooking, knitting, or any other hobby you might have picked up and never made time for… or challenge yourself to a new one! When work is done for the day, we can’t recommend time away from screens more. Pick up a good book, and actually finish it. A joy of being at home is that you can be as comfy as you like! we recommend our Daily Essentials Range - The Amy Mid Rise and the Classic Lace Full Brief, and from our D+ range, we recommend our Total Comfort Wire Free Bra

There’s also never been a better time to do a big clean in your home.


Get moving

Being active can not only keep us healthy, it can also help us fight off infection. So staying fit has never seemed more important. While working out in a small space, with no terrace or balcony may seem difficult, we think this is the perfect time to get creative with your work-out. There are numerous options on the web and your local fitness studio has most likely jumped online to offer classes. So grab that yoga mat and turn your home into your gym!


Regulate your news-intake
We may try to control our fate by refreshing your news feed 50 times a day, but we do not recommend doing so. Watch/Read the news, for sure, but don’t be glued to your screen. This just exaggerates the symptoms of fear and its effects. If you can, try to only read the news once a day. Trust us, as important as staying informed may be, it’s just as important to take a step back for your mental health.

Now is the time to relax

While it is definitely overwhelming to think about being inside for 14 days or longer at a time in isolation, it’s vital that you find time to relax. We’re tackling each day as it comes on and trying not to overthink about being stuck indoors for too long. Try meditating! There’s now more guided meditation practises online and on social media than ever before. We’re all in this together and it’s OK to say you’re struggling or feeling alone and need help.

Just remember, this too shall pass. Until then, check in on each other, stay safe and stay home. 
